Get Crate Training Leave Door Open Pics. Only use as a positive experience. Toss treats and his favorite toys in the crate when he's not looking, so he never knows what wonderful surprises he might find there.
Occasionally, toss a treat in the back of the crate for your puppy to find on his own. After closing the crate's door, wait for a few minutes and leave the room without fuss. My dogs love their crates and will go in on their own for naps or to hoard favorite toys when the doors are left open.
The create a den method.
It's a good idea to leave the crate open when you aren't actively training. The first time you do this, open the door as soon as they finish their meal. Crate training can take days or weeks, depending on your dog's age, temperament and past experiences. Crate training puppies can take a couple of days or several weeks, it all depends on how it's done.